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About The World Harmony Unlimited Logo

The Earth representing the Mother and sustainer of life.

The emanating glow depicting spirit and life-force expanding beyond physical boundaries.

The yin-yang expressing the ancient eastern philosophy of universal balance and complimentary opposites flowing in unity.

Seven feathers respecting the Native American Indian culture and honoring the seven directions.East, South, West, North, Mother Earth, Father Sky, and the Heart within each of us.

What Is World Harmony Unlimited?

A prayer, a goal, a way of being.

With a shared mindset and vision, and by emanating vibrations of love, peace and unity, universal healing will occur.

The time is now to be proactive, aware and responsible.

Founded upon an ancient mindset and system of values representative of what the Lakota people of the North American Plains term, Mitakuye Oyasin, “We Are All Related.” This means each and every being is infinitely connected. The plants, birds, rocks and trees, oceans and streams, the insects, the four leggeds and winged ones – are all interdependent. We cannot hope to flourish and thrive if one chooses to dominate another. Unconditional and unlimited world harmony begins with each and every one of us and is the basis of true peace and unity.

Presently, we are a developing team of unique individuals, each with diverse skills and passions. As a creative collective which strives to promote world harmony, we come together to develop media projects and programs that promise to offer substance and value to those who engage them.

Additionally, we offer professional video and complete media services. For more information visit:


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