
To help usher in the Fifth World with an alternative world view to that of the present day status quo. Encourage a framework of mutual support amongst all people and cultures with recognition of our similarities while celebrating our differences. To eliminate suffering due to prejudice, ignorance, and avarice through symbiotic relationships ~ helping our neighbors and those less fortunate through education, compassion and equanimity. To ensure a broad view toward the future, where bottom-line profits do not dictate the decision-making process or policies. The natural environment, encompassing the air, the waters, the earth and sky and all the creatures dwelling in-between, must be treated with care and reverence to ensure a viable future for many generations to come.



With mindful intent, we document on digital video and film, the stories, insights, and knowledge of those who believe in spreading messages of peace, hope, faith, love, truth and unity. In sharing the gathered collection of eclectic wisdom, our aim and intention is for present and future generations to listen with open minds and compassionate hearts to the archived voices which may serve as a tool in the healing of Mother Earth and her inhabitants.

Additionally, we independently produce quality educational television programs. The content of which supports awareness of issues which foster the betterment of humankind.

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